Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Perceptions and Truths

I have been rather amazed recently reading on-line posts and comments to news stories by many Americans in general, but especially the readers of the Brainerd Dispatch.
So many of them seem to labor under the impression that President Bush has led the United States into a recession and a deficit.
Must I remind these astute readers/ posters of their 8th grade Civics Class lessons?

The President does not spend ANYthing. He does not write ANY bills. He does not write ANY laws.

The Congress, in general, has that dubious distinction, and the House of representatives in particular, when it comes to appropriations.

The President can but sign a bill or veto a bill.

So when talking with your friends and neighbors, gently remind the liberal- leaners of just who spends the money of America, and just who is responsible for our current tax and spend nightmare.

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