Monday, June 2, 2008

It's Time

It's time for Conservative America to unite. Time to defeat anti- Americanism once and for all. Time to defeat Obama and the socialists.

It's time to unite behind John McCain.

I know. That may be a bitter message for some Republicans to swallow. But it is TRUE.

The day for us to individually back Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Guiliani, Thompson, or whomever, HAS COME AND GONE.

Do we need or want to look like the democrat fools who keep bickering, lying, and trying to manipulating their OWN party system? Of course not. I say lying because Hilary said she didn't even care about delegates from Michigan, "Because they broke the rules." NOW she wants them. NOW she is bitterly complaining the "party" has stolen her delegates and given them to Barack Hussein, even though he didn't even CAMPAIGN IN MICHIGAN.

We are, and should be, above that kind of crap.

In Rochester, we came together in unity for our Party. Let's keep the momentum going.
It WILL be a tough fight.
After all, the opposition is offering FREE living.
But we all know that free is a misnomer at best, a lie at it's worst.

It's time to put aside differences and stand behind the Grand Old Flag.
It was put best at the convention: There are two things that are the greatest threats to America.
1. an unsustainable fiscal policy.
2. the Islamic fundamentalist.

BOTH Hillary and Barack miserably FAIL in addressing theses issues.
There is but one clear choice when it comes to the threats to America:


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