Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Wise Words From Al Quie

I was fortunate to have heard former Congressman and Minnesota Governor Al Quie address the Kiwanis Club on October 27.
Governor Quie spoke about the courage and strength needed to lead when parties oppose one another because of ideology alone, refusing to do what is right for the citizens, state and country. The Governor's speech gave me unanticipated insight into his wisdom, experience, and his character.
At the end, Governor Quie offered to answer any questions.

From the audience, DFL candidate for House seat 12A, John Ward, asked the Governor what his thoughts were on the importance of early childhood education, a theme Ward has been pushing hard in his campaign.

Without missing a step, the Governor stated that early childhood education should begin with the relationship of the child and its biological parents.
Governor Quie said, "I have been to Russia. I saw the nurses take the children from the nurseries to the State schools to create the new socialist society. Busing 3 and 4- year olds off to schools won't work."
He continued with, "It takes the invisible bond of a child and his biological parents to grow and succeed, not state run schools. We tried that in Minnesota with the Indians of Red Lake, and we destroyed a generation of families."

We should all learn from the Governor's experience and think twice when we are told how early childhood education is the number one solution to our failing education systems.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cut From The Same Cloth- part 2

I have watched with eerie fascination how easily Obama slips in and out of his lies.
Yes, lies. For he has been caught in them and on them many times, but has always been presented "Get Out Of Jail" passes from the media.
To my dismay, I have witnessed the same, frightful path being taken by local DFL candidates, emboldened by their messiah's example.
At a recent forum, I watched Bye, Doty, and Ward speak about their goals, including "single- payer" (socialized) health care, more spending on education, more spending on the environment, and more spending on the infrastructure.
When they had finished, Al Doty remarked to the audience, "Take special notice that NOT ONE OF US MENTIONED RAISING TAXES."
Well, I guess if Obama can tell that lie, so can his local candidates.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Socialized Health Care: What's Wrong With It?

For those of you who may still be confused as to whether or not socialized health care is efficient and effective, please read on.

Just in from Fox News-
During the Fox broadcast Saturday night, October 18th, the "crawl message" (that bit of written information that scrolls across the bottom of the TV screen) read this:


Many conservatives, including our candidate for District 12A, David Allan Pundt, have warned that one of the many dangers of socialized medicine is that it will become rationed when expenses get too high for the government to handle.
Here is proof of that prediction.
Never forget the old joke about the quality of Britain's socialized health care system; all it means is that everyone has equally rotten teeth.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Vote "NO" November 4th

The so-called Legacy Amendment might just have the proper moniker after all.
You see, this sham of a proposal facing Minnesota tax payers will, if passed, be around to haunt us for the next 25 years, if not forever, given the nature of all preceding tax hikes.
You didn't realize that this was just another tax hike?
Yep. Sure is.
Dressed up in warm, fuzzy, innocuous- sounding verbiage about clean air and water, but a tax hike none the less.
Now, before you go off thinking I am against clean water and clean air, let me explain:
The stated purpose of this amendment is fine. We ALL want a clean place to live and raise our families.

However, the methodology to actually DO this is totally, absolutely, and impossibly WRONG for several reasons.
The original intent of this bill from more than 10 years ago, was to give more money and attention to our environment. It was supposed to come from General Funds of Minnesota tax dollars.
But, I get ahead of myself.
Remember the State Lottery? It, too, was supposed to pay for what you are now being asked to approve. THAT money somehow found its way into the General Fund.
In the meantime, our DFL legislature, with its penchant for spending, has drained most of those environmental lottery funds as well.
Now, they are asking us to cough up another $11 BILLION ( yes, billion...) to fund some lofty, as yet undefined, vision of "environmental protection."
Oh yeah, 14% of it will go to "arts" projects, which also remain undefined.
It gets worse.
The control over this $11 Billion will be made by (you guessed it,) an as yet undefined committee. WITHOUT oversight by you, the taxpayer, or the Legislature. And the DNR has made no secret of the fact that they do not wish to have citizens on this decision making committee.
So what does that leave us with?
An enormous money pool to be spent without our approval or intervention, but funded for minimum of 25 years, by tax payers.
The final reason this plan is wrong is that budget decisions should be made in real- time, just like you and businesses have to do. You spend according to the needs and the money available to you AT THE TIME.
If we as citizens are to be charged with making long- range budgetary decisions, why do we need any legislators at all?
Legacy Amendment?
I think not.
I hope you will see this for the money- grab that it is and VOTE NO.

Cut From The Same Cloth

After listening to the presidential debates tonight, 10/15/08, it has become more than clear that District 12A DFLer John Ward is merely a mime of the liberal agenda.

It's almost a relief: for a second there I almost believed that John "Mr. Rubber Stamp" Ward had had an original thought of his own!

In last week's debates with GOP candidate David Allan Pundt, Ward stated proudly that he favored "universal (liberal euphemism: socialistic) health care" and greater early childhood education investment.
Ward said that "Studies showed that for every dollar invested in early childhood education, there is a direct savings of $12."
For the record, when John first said this to me personally, it was a $14 return on investment.
But tonight, Obama reiterated the $12 return per dollar.
NOW we see where Ward's "studies" came from!

Funny how other independent studies of programs like HeadStart showed that once school children reached about the third grade, any early childhood prep ceased to be a factor compared to those who had not been in such a program.

John Ward favors a "single- payer" health care system, ala Obama.
Early childhood education, with day care and feeding components, ala Obama.

Perhaps they also share the vision that in order for people to be easily manipulated as subjects, they should be indoctrinated as soon as possible?

Debates, continued

Our candidate, it seems, has failed to energize American voters with his speaking prowess alone.
Yes, McCain is flat and lackluster when it comes to his presentation skills. I don't know anymore; is it his leadership skills as well? I don't think so.
But one thing is for sure, the Socialist candidate is a well- oiled speaker, able to deflect the ( well- deserved) criticisms of his choices of affiliations, friends, and ideology.
Obama is the master of not only deception, he is also the master of deflection.
Did you notice that Obama almost exclusively refuses to ANSWER questions?
Instead, rather than commit to a concrete position, he merely re-states the seriousness of the problem posed in the original question.
How foolish we have become, as voting, adult citizens of America, if we do not reject this silk- tongued impostor and liar.
It's too bad that McCain lacks the necessary skills to push the attack home when the situation not only calls for it, it demands it.
WHY can't anyone seem to be able to simply demand THAT Obama ANSWER,
1.) "WHY do you follow the ideological philosophies of people who unashamedly HATE America?"
2.) "Why is an organization that your campaign has funded (ACORN) embroiled in serious cases of voter registration fraud across America?"
3.) "How can you sit there and say what your Presidential policies will be when you have publicly promised your supporters that it will be other wise?"
4.) "How is it that you can know NOTHING of the pasts of your mentors, yet claim to know everything wrong with America today?"

Friday, October 3, 2008

VP Palin, etc.

VP candidate Palin did a great job on the debate with Biden October 2nd.
This has got to drive the liberals nuts!
After all, they have tried so hard, along with their media lapdogs, to discredit her and to create the impression that she would fall flat on her keester during the debate. The net effect?
All she had to do was be average to destroy their myth!
And she was certainly better than average! She went toe- to- toe with a 35- year veteran of the B.S. Circuit, and more than held her own.
Because the liberal media set the expectation level so low, she came out a Star.
Yep, it must drive the liberals nuts when their manipulations of reality blow up in their faces.
Now, if we could get McCain to stop pandering with his "bi-partisan approach" to the campaign, we could get somewhere!
John: this is the time for partisan campaigning!
You are not on the Senate floor now with your "Esteemed Colleagues!"

Bailout A Bust For America

Isn't it funny, in a very sad way, how the liberals are latching onto the Wall Street mess to further their ambitions?
They have very poor memories of just who created this stink bomb and when.
Now, every liberal candidate is out beating the drum to pin the blame on Bush.
At the same time, they have insisted on a pork- laden mess of a bill, but now call it "Financial Rescue" instead of a bailout. More than 80% of the American people responded negatively to the bailout, so the Masters of Semantics (Congress), renamed it to something they thought was more palatable(yuk!)
Of course, the new Rescue had to contain things like cash -blink of an eye- to Detroit (!?)to encourage auto makers to do what they do anyway; engineer automobiles.
Money for education and solar energy, biofuels, and mental health coverage on par with medical coverage. Of course, the liberals want it to fund unpaid mortgages for the "poor" as well.
What have these things to do with Wall Street finances?
The sad part is, this bailout is itself a gamble. There is no proof that putting the taxpayers on the hook for the irresponsibility of others will even work!
Yes, bail out the small, honest lenders that have hung on to their own mortgages. But not the reckless Vegas- like mob on Wall Street or the people who never should have been given loans in the first place. These are two segments of society that don't pay taxes anyway, and now are about to get taxpayer bailouts.
And oversight for the plan? Laughable! The same clowns who watched this mess unfold before their very eyes are the same ones charged with oversight now. It borders on criminal.
I urge every one of you to contact your senators and congressmen in Washington to rebuke them for once again failing to listen to their constituents.
This bandaid approach will be costly and, I believe, make this pain last even longer than it should.
Cavuto said it best: "In capitalism, some people are supposed to fail."

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Duck and Run

In local campaigns, it's time for some debates; on TV and on radio.
David Allan Pundt, our Republican endorsed candidate for House Seat District 12A, will face off against current DFLer John Ward on radio station 3Wi (95.9 fm locally) Wednesday, September 3rd at 9:00 a.m.
It should be quite interesting and entertaining to hear Mr. Ward squirm in his chair when pushed about the out- of- control spending preferred - and voted upon- by the DFL majority in St. Paul.
For instance, Ward's support of the DFLiberal Gas Tax Bill increase during some of the most trying economic times we have seen in quite a while is difficult to justify. He claims the money is for "roads and bridges" but forgets to mention the loads of cash going to light rail.
Yessir, we get to bail out, then re- fund, an amusement ride for the Twin Cities.
Just what Crow Wing County residents need......
Then there's the issue of legislators putting another constitutional amendment on the ballot to allow themselves to raise their pay, their per Diem, AND pay themselves $1200 a month ALL YEAR LONG for their housing subsidies! Not bad for a 3- 4 month per year job. (Sarcasm intended.)
If we, as a voters, pass this amendment, the DFL won't ever have to ask us for the money again. It will become automatic, by law!
We, as voters, MUST vote this amendment down in November, along with the other amendment, the Dedicated Funding for Conservation and the Arts.
Both are nothing but DFL reasons to stay in your wallet -by law- for ever and ever.
I can't wait to hear John Ward try to mumble out of this!
TUNE IN 9/3/08 9:00 a.m. on 95.9 fm, 3Wi radio!
More debate info to come!

You Decide

I think the protesters at the RNC in St. Paul portray the vivid differences in the two parties, their members, their objectives, and their ideologies.

For example, just how many windows did you see smashed in Denver during the DNC by rampaging Republicans?
Just how much pipe bomb making material was confiscated from conservatives in Denver?
How many stored gallons of human waste were the Republican supporters in Denver caught with?
How much literature was printed by the Republicans in every conceivable language promoting protest and hatred, not to mention offering to bus those agitated people to the DNC?

You get my point.

The liberal agenda is not about saving America. It is not about unifying America. It is not about making America better, or safer, or stronger, or more intelligent.
It is about anarchy. It is about taking control of the United States of America and turning it into something none of us will even recognize as American.

Change. What kind of change?

Hope. Hoping for what?

Look at the actions of supporters for the Democrats. Look at what their ACTIONS say about the liberal agenda.
You decide what kind of America you want for yourselves and your grandchildren.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Conservatives: COME OUT OF HIDING!

Where have you been, conservatives? Enjoying the lakes, the warm weather, the sun?
GREAT! Good for you! This IS the time of year we all live for and dream about.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but THERE IS AN ELECTION COMING.

Yes, yes, I know; the State Fair hasn't even started yet. But by golly, you can bet your asses that the Democrats have not been sitting on their bums sun- tanning!

It is TIME to start thinking about the future of America. The one we all take for granted when we sit in lawn chairs with a cold one, enjoying the weather and our company and families.
Victory in November has HUGE ramifications this year; this is possibly the most important election year in United States history.
There is so MUCH at stake. Not just who is the controlling party, but the ideology of our national history, culture, and heritage rests with this election.
Come on, conservatives. What the hell are you waiting for? GET MOVING! GET INVOLVED! GET YOUR CHECKBOOKS OUT!
Are you waiting for the day when we can get together and reminisce about freedom????

Time To Call A Spade A spade...

John Ward, State Representative for District 12A, has been lining his pockets --- ALONG WITH THE REST OF THE MINNESOTA HOUSE- with more of OUR tax dollars.
Seems Johnny and his buds at the capitol decided they needed raises.
They gave themselves raises in per Diem (money per day) from $66 to $76 dollars per day.
OK. Fine. I have no beef with per Diem's.
But Johnny and his pals decided that they shouldn't have to show any PROOF
for what they claim they spent (ie., receipts, or vouchers.)
No big deal, except that if you and I want to claim something as a deduction for an expense, we need every shred of evidence as proof, up to and including a blood test to prove we spent it.
Why are John Ward and his DFLiberal pals allowed to skate, taking our tax dollars without proof of pain or misery on their part?

OK. that's bad enough on its own.

But John Ward and the DFL legislature ALSO voted to give themselves a year- around housing subsidy of $1200 per month- - - EVEN WHEN THE LEGISLATURE IS NOT IN SESSION!
Can you imagine that? When John wants to take his best gal to a Minneapolis play in November, YOU get to PAY for his apartment! Who CARES that the legislature is NOT IN SESSION?
These clowns are raking in $31,000 for a PART- TIME JOB of 4 months or less, PLUS $14400 for their housing!!
Plus $77 per day spending allowances without having to show receipts!
This truly IS Minnesota Welfare, but not the kind you and I ever imagined or anticipated.
Tell ALL your representatives NOW that you will NOT STAND FOR THIS WASTE OF OUR TAX DOLLARS!

John Edwards....

My my, John. It's so amazing that you, as a liberal mouthpiece for morality, have been caught with your pants down, so to speak....

You say, "My wife and my Lord have forgiven me, so I will move on."

You forgot about US, John. WE haven't forgiven you, and you will NOT just "move on," despite your fervent wishes.
Another liberal phony, two- faced liar exposed.
Here's the FUNNY part: John claims that during the last two elections, he has become self- centered and narcissistic......
The Breck Boy has ALWAYS thought he is another 'God's gift' to mankind.... just like the other Messiah threatening our freedoms.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Perceptions and Truths

I have been rather amazed recently reading on-line posts and comments to news stories by many Americans in general, but especially the readers of the Brainerd Dispatch.
So many of them seem to labor under the impression that President Bush has led the United States into a recession and a deficit.
Must I remind these astute readers/ posters of their 8th grade Civics Class lessons?

The President does not spend ANYthing. He does not write ANY bills. He does not write ANY laws.

The Congress, in general, has that dubious distinction, and the House of representatives in particular, when it comes to appropriations.

The President can but sign a bill or veto a bill.

So when talking with your friends and neighbors, gently remind the liberal- leaners of just who spends the money of America, and just who is responsible for our current tax and spend nightmare.

Still More Questions About Obama:

Why is it that when Barack Obama's chief fund-raiser is CONVICTED of fraud, money laundering and bribery Wednesday after a trial that exposed a corrupt culture of payoffs and campaign finance abuses plaguing Illinois politics, (and not just charged, in today's litigious society) the media merely reports him as "A political fund raiser?"

After this and all the other events, like his ministers, why aren't more Americans asking questions about Obama's moral fiber, background and associations?
Because he is black?
Allegedly charismatic?
I don't get it.
If this were John McCain, the American media would be publishing his obituary by now.

OK. So we all KNOW the media is against Conservatives.
But what aren't Conservatives more vocal in their demands for truth, fairness, and balance of information?

Get vocal, folks.
WRITE letters and emails to your local newspaper editors. WRITE to your Congressmen and Senators. WRITE to your Governors.

DEMAND truth and full disclosure.

Monday, June 2, 2008

It's Time

It's time for Conservative America to unite. Time to defeat anti- Americanism once and for all. Time to defeat Obama and the socialists.

It's time to unite behind John McCain.

I know. That may be a bitter message for some Republicans to swallow. But it is TRUE.

The day for us to individually back Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Guiliani, Thompson, or whomever, HAS COME AND GONE.

Do we need or want to look like the democrat fools who keep bickering, lying, and trying to manipulating their OWN party system? Of course not. I say lying because Hilary said she didn't even care about delegates from Michigan, "Because they broke the rules." NOW she wants them. NOW she is bitterly complaining the "party" has stolen her delegates and given them to Barack Hussein, even though he didn't even CAMPAIGN IN MICHIGAN.

We are, and should be, above that kind of crap.

In Rochester, we came together in unity for our Party. Let's keep the momentum going.
It WILL be a tough fight.
After all, the opposition is offering FREE living.
But we all know that free is a misnomer at best, a lie at it's worst.

It's time to put aside differences and stand behind the Grand Old Flag.
It was put best at the convention: There are two things that are the greatest threats to America.
1. an unsustainable fiscal policy.
2. the Islamic fundamentalist.

BOTH Hillary and Barack miserably FAIL in addressing theses issues.
There is but one clear choice when it comes to the threats to America:


Monday, May 19, 2008

Brainerd Disgrace

I read, again, this Sunday in the Brainerd Disgrace, er, I mean, the Dispatch about the terrible woes of the schools here in town. Closings and the like.

Because the Referendum Failed.

The referendum failed???
Don't you mean the School Board failed to correctly use their finances? That they spent money that did not have?
That they failed to comprehend that the average citizens cannot live beyond the teacher's union's means?

Get over it.
The public voted and the School Board was exposed as the money- grubbing institution it has become.


My ass, it's for the children.

Election Reminder

As the Minnesota Legislature closes their session, PLEASE remember a few things:

1. Thanks to the DFL -led legislature, we have been saddled with the largest tax increase in Minnesota history.
2. We went from a $400+ million dollar surplus to a deficit approaching a billion dollars. (yes, a billion.)
3. Time has been wasted by the DFL on bills which do NOTHING to improve ANYTHING, but limit your abilities to make decisions; nothing more than a series of shows of CONTROL over you lives. THE MORE YOU GET USED TO SMALL, KNIT- PICKY THINGS, they feel, THE EASIER IT WILL BE FOR YOU TO ACCEPT TOTAL DOMINATION OVER YOUR LIVES.
4. We are paying all- time high fuel prices, and now compounded with a new state gas tax increase. Why? Because the DFL got caught with their collective pants down. For 30 years THEY have neglected roads and bridges in favor of meaningless and costly social engineering programs, benefiting few, costing all.
5. LIGHT RAIL will never benefit Brainerd in your childrens' lifetime.
6.Remember who has cost you what, and what little you have to show for it other than fewer freedoms.

Vote them out just as quickly and surely as you can.

Seaparation Of Mosque and State

Back from an extended vacation and other commitments, but here goes:

If the current situation with the Muslim school in Inver Grove Heights isn't a wake- up call to all of America, I don't know what is.
This school is run by Islamic fundamentalists.
Fine, OK.
But they are using PUBLIC EDUCATION (with matching public funds) to teach Islamic law, including mandatory prayer time for students. ON the campus. IN the school.

Where the hell is the *&%$&**! ALCU NOW?

Why is there no public outcry from those legal haters- of- America, who decry the very MENTION on God in public U.S. schools?
Nowhere to be seen.
If this does not clearly paint the agenda of the socialist left, nothing does.
I urge you to DEMAND of your representatives and senators to STOP this flagrant violation of Minnesota law.
Remember the words of Teddy Roosevelt, who said we welcome anyone to America as equal Americans. But ONLY if they abandon their old countries and EMBRACE America as their one and ONLY new home, with ALL of their loyalties to America.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Thank You, Representative Bachmann

Michele Bachmann made it clear where the problem lies with the US House of Representatives not voting on the Intelligence bill, which allows the government to monitor terrorist phone calls in real time. She has challenged Nancy Pelosi publicly to explain why the measure has not hit the House floor.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, displaying an appalling abuse of power, decided that the measure simply would not get to the House floor. Period.
If it cannot even be voted on, it couldn't possibly pass.
Pelosi has done this in spite of the fact that even her fellow liberals have supported the bill as essential to America's security.
She decided it wasn't.
What gall! What a disgrace!
Better yet,
What can we do to remove Pelosi, this enemy of the state, from office? She is personally acting in a way that places American security in grave danger.
Aren't there laws against treason? Seditious Acts? Something that can be done to stop these kinds of traitorous acts?
I urge each and every one of you to contact your U.S. Representative, (http://www.house.gov/house/MemberWWW.shtml) and ask them to demand an appearance on the House floor to vote on this bill. Pelosi may be the Speaker, but she cannot be allowed to act as dictator to all of our Representatives.
We must act, America, before it is too late.

Great Editorial

Please go to this link for an excellent editorial that appeared today in the Bemidji Pioneer. It really spells out the actions of the DFL- controlled Minnesota Legislature very clearly.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Be Careful What You Ask For............

Endlessly, we hear ObAma chant that it's time for CHANGE in America.
Well, since 2006, things have changed, but not the way we'd like them to.
For instance, consider this:

A little over one year ago:

1) Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high;
2) Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;
3) the unemployment rate was 4.5%.
4) Democrats assumed the majority in both houses of congress ( the 2006 newly- elected officials sworn in 1/2007)

With the Democratic Congress we have seen:

1) Consumer confidence plummet;
2) the cost of regular gasoline is over $3.08 a gallon;
3) Unemployment is up to 5% (a 10% increase);
4) American households have seen $2.3 trillion in equity value evaporate
(stock and mutual fund losses);
5) Americans have seen their home equity drop by $1.2 trillion dollars;
6) 1% of American homes are in foreclosure.

America voted for "change" in 2006 (per Pelosi and Reid), and we got it!
How much more "CHANGE" (now, per Obama) can we stand? How much more of this type of change do we want?
At the local level, people like John Ward and his socialist cronies have decided that you still have too much control over your money. He has, in the last few weeks, seen to it that a larger portion of your money and your decision- making ability has been stolen from you.
The liberal agenda for change is the kind we need to firmly, uniformly, and absolutely reject.
Now, in November 2008, and forever.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dems Lose Further Credibility- (if that's possible)

The dems want a couple of do- overs, it seems, in Florida and Michigan.
The DNC earlier this year said that both states would be punished if they insisted on moving up the dates that they held their primaries.
Well, both states did it anyway. The punishment was supposed to be the loss of their delegates to the National Dem convention.
Geee whizzz- guess what?? The DNC now wants to SEAT those delegates, somehow, someway.
Talk about a paper lion! Really good teeth, DNC.
Of course, Hillary is all for the idea now, even though she agreed earlier that those states should lose their delegations.

What a phony bunch of two- faced hypocrites.

Same- same, every one of them, from John Ward to Margaret Kelliher to Amy Klobuchar to Nancy Pelosi to Hillary and barack.

Does that sound mean?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

AG Office and Unions

I see headlines and stories detailing the mess at the Minnesota Attorney General office.
Apparently the Assistant Attorneys General want to unionize the office. All previous Attorneys General have resisted the urge to unionize, including, to her credit, Lori Swanson, the current DFL A.G.
The largest union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, or AFSCME, has been trying for quite a while to organize the Assistant A.G. group.

Great. Just what we need.

Another union pulling the strings of political motivations for state attorneys.

As if lawsuits by the State of Minnesota didn't already have enough political motivation behind them!

At the heart of any union you will find a hotbed of socialism. Unions routinely and completely preach a message of socialism to their members under the guise of "collective bargaining" and "social progress."
You think that message doesn't trickle down into their members' politics?
Unions have become obsolete in modern times. They have outlived their usefulness. They have become nothing more than vehicles of socialism.
The teachers union and AFSCME included.

For those of you who feel offended by my remarks, just look at what UNIONS have done to our educational system in Minnesota. Just look at what they have done to lower the competency level of teachers. To lower the quality of what and how our children are taught.

Keep the unions OUT of the Attorney General office.

Oberstar Gets a New Hip

Jim Oberstar recently had surgery for hip replacement.

I suspect his old one failed under the weight of all the graft and pork he had been carrying in his pocket after so many years as a liberal Congressman.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The Math About DFL Tax Increases

This is a piece written by a friend of mine from Crosslake, MN.
Used with permission.

Based on what I can find and read on the Internet, and based on my math, we find the following:
The BIPARTISAN efforts and hard work of the United States congress, after studying and analyzing the current economic situation, decided to send approx. $150,000,000,000 (150 billion dollars) to U.S. taxpayers. The bill was approved by president George Bush. IRS estimates show that 130,000,000 (130 million) taxpayers will receive a check from the IRS. (130 million families/individuals paying taxes as compared to a US population of 302 million people, or 43% of the US population constitutes a taxpayer/family.)
This means that each taxpayer/family will receive, an average of $1154 as a rebate from the IRS to stimulate the economy.

At almost the same time, the partisan, DFL controlled legislature of Minnesota, after studying and analyzing the current economic situation in Minnesota, passed a "transportation bill" that increased taxes by $6,600,000,000 (6.6 billion dollars.)
Governor Pawlenty vetoed it, but the democrats and six moronic Republicans made it law by over-riding the veto.
This increase comes from a combination of increased gasoline taxes, a sales tax increase and an increase in vehicle registration fees and excise tax on new vehicles.
Since the population of Minnesota is 5.5 million, and using the 43% figure to calculate how many tax payers/families there are in Minnesota, we find that 2.36 million taxpayers/families will be saddled with this new burden.
That works out to $2796 per MINNESOTA taxpayer/family.

So we owe the democrats and the 6 turncoat Republicans that voted to overturn Pawlenty’s veto, a huge thank you (?)
Not only did they nullify the federal government's effort to stimulate the economy by "stealing" the rebate from all Minnesota families, they exceeded even this by forcing and expecting all of us to pony up an extra $1642 each, on top of it.
So much for improving the economy in this state.

How is it possible that the Democrats and turncoat Republicans in the Minnesota state legislature can even consider, let alone pass, a bill like this, especially after the governor's veto?
Are they better informed, or do they have better judgement than the BIPARTISAN wisdom of the Congress of the United States?
Do they think we live in a different country and economy?
What country do they live in?

All Minnesota tax payers, please remember this in November.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

This Just In

Sounds from the Crow Wing County Republican Convention indicate that there will be another GOP challenger to DFLiberal incumbent John Ward for our State Representative.

You see, Mr. Ward, among other blunders, had the "courage" (?) to give us a tax increase- the largest in state history- during one of the worst economic situations we Minnesotans have faced for some time. It's time to show Mr. Ward just how we feel about his "gifts" to us.

Pretty hush- hush on the GOP candidate's name, but watch for more news later this month.

Time to take back Minnesota. Time to take back America.

Stay tuned...........

Friday, February 29, 2008


Please see blog post from December 13, 2007.


Thanks for Nothing

Holy cow! I have just learned, via the Brainerd Disgrace, that we should be thanking our DFL legislators (along with the Republican rogues who voted with them) for their courage in passing the Gas Tax!
Pardon me if I don't dash out to buy "thank you" cards.

Let me see:
Thank you for making it more difficult each day to keep up with the cost of living the Minnesota Good Life?
Thank you for completely ignoring ANY other solution to the problem?
Thank you for wasting the money on social projects that was supposed to have gone to infrastructure maintenance all along?
Thank you for pouring billions into light rail which we now have to bailout, and for building more light rail, to be bailed out at a later date, with more tax increases?
Thank you for spending more instead of trimming somewhere else in the budget?
Thank you for making us among the highest taxed states in the nation?

If you love social re-engineering, then thank them. If you like someone telling you what you can and cannot do with your personal life, thank them. If you think a few thousand riding light rail will in ANY way improve your life, thank them.

You know, I just don't think I will send any thank you notes to these people.

I only hope that when you are driving to the polls in November on roads that are still bumpy and pot hole- filled, and still crossing unsafe bridges, you will REMEMBER just who tricked you into thinking they were going to do anything about the problem.
And just who has been squandering your money and your trust so dangerously for so long.
Tell the liberals "THANKS FOR NOTHING."

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


You mean Obama says he will consider keeping troops in or sending more troops to Iraq IF al-Qaida appears in Iraq???
Are we to believe that al Qaida isn't already in Iraq??
Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a lying, deceptive fool.
He (and Hillary as well) refuse to make their stances a matter of public record. One day, we need to fight the war on terror, the next day we don't. One day we have an enemy, the next we should wait until an enemy is identified. Bullshit.

This man is a socialist. A communist.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.

Grow up and recognize that we, as Americans, are under attack.
From within.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Fallout? Let's Hope So

The news is abuzz today with reports of the override of Governor Pawlenty's veto on the Transportation bill. The GAS TAX.

Six GOP legislators turned their backs on state conservatives by voting to override.

So will there be "fallout" as the news outlets claim?
I certainly hope so!
But not just like the fallout claimed by the Minneapolis Trib, where rogue GOPers would lose party jobs, lose support from within.
I am talking about the Representative Marty Seifert kind of fallout. House Minority Leader Seifert points out that when the CITIZENS finally see and feel the financial impact of this bill, they will revolt and reject the liberal tax and spend legislature of today. They will send in a conservative replacement team in the November elections.
Let's hope so.
Let's hope all voters (conservative and Democrat) finally see liberals for what they are and the damage they have done.

Monday, February 25, 2008

No Room For Racism- No Sympathy For Segregationists

Barack Obama's church affiliation has been under public scrutiny the past few days.
A Christian church, he proudly proclaims.

Great. People should have a faith to ground them in their thinking, to guide their morals, and foster their ideals.

Except in this case, his church only admits blacks to become members of the congregation.
You see, it is a black church. It supports and promotes, he claims, black values, black society, and black progress.

This sounds unbelievable. I cannot even imagine the furor that would erupt if any white candidate (for any office) announced that they were Christian, but attended a church closed to blacks.
But I must also admit that I am baffled at how exclusionary groups like the Black NCO clubs can exist in the armed forces. How the Black Police Officers Association can be allowable. Or the Congressional Black Caucus (please see my post from August 28, 2007.) The list of other examples goes on and on.

Racism has and IS being used as a political tool. Oddly enough, it is being held out an an example of the evil the liberals are trying to defeat.
So how come this liberal (Obama) is safe even though he engages in exclusionary practices?
Before you get excited, this is not about being Baptist. Or Methodist. Or Catholic.
This is about why it is OK for one group to be segregationists, but not another.
I for one am sick and tired of double standards.
For instance, if the "N" word is so despicable and deplorable, then why is it not universally condemned in both black and white society? Yet we all know who can and who cannot get away with using the "N" word.
If discrimination is also so deplorable and condemned, then why do we allow IT to go on anywhere?
Certain groups of people want to have their cake and eat it too: they want equality. They want fairness. They want the same things as everyone else.
But at the same time they want special considerations. Special rules. Special treatment.
That is NOT equality. That is NOT fairness.
This system is a disgrace and we all know it. I am done with Political Correctness.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.
This is clearly wrong.
Obama should condemn the 'blacks only' policy of his church.
Don't count on him doing so.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Do Not Be Alarmed

Don't be alarmed.
I thought I would just reassure you that there is a Republican running for the Presidency.
Yes, I admit it. You would never know that by watching the television.
But don't let them fool you, someone other than Obama or Hillary is actually running.

Some "Thank You's" Are In Order

A big THANK YOU to all you conservatives who came out and made the Crow Wing County Republican Fundraising event a success!
It was well attended, and guests had a chance to visit with many of our elected GOP officials. THANKS AGAIN!

And yet another THANK YOU to all of you who came out for the Caucus meetings in your areas. It was a huge turnout, and many new faces were enlisted as volunteers, election judges, and delegates to the County Convention.
Don't forget: the convention is 9:00 a.m. March 8th at the Central Lakes College.
See you there!

Dedicated Spending Wastefulness

The DFLers have succeeded in placing the amendment to permanently fund "conservation" on the November 2008 ballot.
I sincerely hope that voters will recognize this call for an amendment for what it is: another attempt by the DFLiberals to get in our pockets and in control of yet another aspect of our lives.
Budgetary issues, like how much we should spend on conservation, should be handled by our elected officials in real time. Depending on what financial resource options are available at the time.
Budget issues can and will be volatile. That is the reason why budgets are created (or at least, allegedly...)
So why does the DFL- controlled legislature want this amendment?
Because it will empower them to spend money on 'conservation' and the 'arts,' even if they do not need to.
Because it will require them adding more and more layers of rules, restrictions, and provisos on the public. After all, (key soothing piano music) "it's for the environment."
Minnesota has a long history of irresponsible spending. But rather than attempting to find even ONE program that could be trimmed or eliminated, our officials in St. Paul choose to look for more and more ways to generate revenue. To spent carelessly on pork and social re-engineering efforts.
A few years ago, the citizens of Minnesota were talked into having a state lottery, whose proceeds were supposed to fund conservation efforts.
THAT money mysteriously found its way into the general fund.
POOF! Never to be seen again.
Rather than fixing the problem of how that money got waylayed and preventing it from happening again, our legislature wants to now simply pull more money from your wallet to pay for it!
The DFL claims we are in danger of losing our culture and heritage. That claim, ladies and gentlemen, is truly bogus.
I firmly believe that Minnesotans are smart enough and proud enough of their heritage to not let it slip away.
Do not be swayed or fooled by innocent- sounding language and emotional tugs are your heartstrings. We can and we will fund conservation in Minnesota without a need to "over-spend by law."
The DFL's history of irresponsible spending does not have to become our legacy.
Vote "NO" in November on the Dedicated Funding Amendment.
