Saturday, August 11, 2007

A Rose By Any Other Name

"A rose by any other name," is a line of poetry familiar to so many of us.
But when does a rose no longer remain a rose?

I, for one, have long wondered. I am curious about modern Democrats.
WHEN are they going to just DO IT?
WHEN are they going to stop all the nonsense?
WHEN will they stop pretending to represent the working person?
WHEN will they simply admit WHAT they truly have become?
WHEN will they drop their misleading label, altogether, from the ballot choices?

My friends, I refer to the moniker "Democrats."

WHEN will they come out of the closet and BE TRUTHFUL about what THEY REALLY ARE:
SOCIALISTS? Communists?
Come on now: you cannot be in favor of income redistribution, open borders, taxes only for the "rich," expanded rights to more and more 'minority' groups, government control of all aspects of life, and other such lunacies WITHOUT being a Socialist.
IF America TRULY wants Socialism, by popular vote, then I personally think Americans are stupid.
But let me continue by saying; I do NOT think Americans are stupid.

Let's put Democratic feet to the fire.
Let's demand that they come out in public for what they really are; Socialists. Or Communists. Either way, it's an awakening for America.
That way, the ballot choices will be slimmed down come election time.
Maybe even the liberals in Florida will recognize which is which between candidates.
Hanging Chad aside.............