Friday, August 10, 2007

Dangerous Ground For Long- Time Conservatives

There are some extremely serious issues facing many long- time conservatives.
Of course there are still the historical differences between liberals and conservatives. But politics can no longer be treated with a "business as usual" attitude in Minnesota and the rest of America.
Liberals have become more mean- spirited. More vicious in their attacks. Nothing is off limits to them, it seems, in order to take control.
Consider politics of years gone by. For example, the Presidential election of 1964.
Johnson versus Goldwater.
Yes, yes, Johnson won huge. We know this.
But this race is widely regarded as among the first elections decided primarily by ideology.
Goldwater and Johnson had different ideological approaches to doing what they felt was best for America. Each man thought their approach the correct one.
In the past, I believe, ideology defined the path you took to the same location.
But one thing held true: both truly wanted, in their own way, what was best for America.
Not so today.
Today we still have differing ideological approaches, but with a sinister twist.
One side, the conservatives, still wish to do what is best for America. They wish to preserve the values that made this country and have kept it what it is; the envy of the entire world.
The liberal side, however, not only does NOT wish to preserve American values, it wishes to transform America into something other than America. Something none of us even recognize.
A Socialist State.
Am I exaggerating? How about the redistribution of wealth? (Let's tax the rich to cover the bottom half.) How about government control of everything? (Public welfare, medical coverage, our children's education, property rights.) How about watering down our traditions? (Diversity, failure to control borders, expansion of "minority" status, attacks on the stock market as a tool only for the "rich.")
This is Marxism 101, ladies and gentlemen.
Yet today I continue to see conservatives seemingly unaware of this.
Conservatives are still polite, largely, with a desire to play fair. Play by the rules. Avoid the cheap shot.
Why, just yesterday, I heard Bill O'Reilly take a call from a listener who stated he felt Hillary Clinton was the biggest liar in politics. Mr. O'Reilly responded, "Well, she has an issue with honesty. But she probably has lied only a little bit more than any average politician."
This may be a true enough statement, but Bill was awfully gracious to a person who has been caught in a dizzying array of lies and untruths, all the while attacking others, notably George Bush, as liars.
Fellow conservatives, please continue to be polite. Do not stoop to the levels of liberal politics.
But please do not become so casual with American politics to think that liberals will also play fair and/or act honorably.
Keep your chin up, yes. But keep your guard up as well.
The liberals wishing to change America are aware of what is at stake.
Let's us keep aware of the same.