Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Pendulum Effect of Diversity

I am going to start this one out with an apology up front:


But I will push on with the thought that, sometimes, a legitimate question just needs to be asked.

Why does it seem that when victim and oppressor trade places, it's OK to continue the relationship, but with roles reversed?

When is reverse discrimination any better or different than the discrimination it was supposed to replace?
In this case, I refer to the recent news coverage concerning the Congressional Black Caucus.
News came forward about Representative Stephen Cohen, D- Tennessee, being denied entry to the Congressional Black Caucus.
Representative Cohen is white.
Representative Cohen denied that he had been refused entry to the CBC, stating he had not applied for membership. He went on to say that he was sure he would be granted membership in the CBC if he so applied and requested.
OK. All very nice. Very politically correct. Everything is hunky-dory.
There's one nasty little wrinkle, though.
CBC leader Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, D- Michigan, said Rep. Cohen would indeed be refused entry if he applied, because membership is limited exclusively to blacks.
I must be missing something.
Aren't exclusionary organizations, based solely upon race, being discriminatory? Isn't discrimination the issue that thousands fought to correct in the last 45 years in our new, open society?
How long will we let ourselves be fooled into allowing situations like this to continue?
Does Rep. Cheeks Kilpatrick want us to believe that CBC membership policy, in and of itself, promotes something legitimately useful?
di·ver·si·ty [di-vur-si-tee]
1. the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness.
2. variety; multiformity.
3. a point of difference.

u·ni·ty (yōō'nĭ-tē)
1. the state or quality of being one; singleness.
2. the state or quality of being in accord; harmony.
3. singleness or constancy of purpose or action; continuity.
How long will we be party to this nonsense where diversity alone is supposed to lead us to unity? The words are diametrically opposed by very definition.
To be of any value whatsoever, the primary function of diversity must be to truly recognize the benefits of our differences, and not to continue discrimination because of them.

Good News For All: Decrease In Poverty Rate

Another blow was dealt to liberal deception today.
Recent Census Bureau analysis has shown a dramatic drop in the national poverty rate.
Since President Bush took office.
Three times the decrease claimed by Clinton back in 2000, which even Census officials called "statistically insignificant" at that time.

See link


Yes, leftists, distortion of the facts, funny math, and outright lies will not change the truth:
Fiscal responsibility, tax incentives, and more personal responsibility DO work for the betterment of the United States.
Great job, Mr. President.
And thanks!

"News" Not Always Reality

There is little question as to the slant taken in the typical "mainstream" media.
It is decidedly leftist, with far too few exceptions.
OK, so this is no real news to anyone who understands personal freedom, personal responsibility, less government, and lower taxes and actually reads, watches TV or listens to the radio.
But even I am sometimes amazed and disgusted with the news concerning Iraq that we are fed as citizens. 99.9% of the time it is the most negative, discouraging, and bleak news we hear each day.
We keep hearing the comparison between Vietnam and Iraq.
I don't see it, personally, except maybe in one glaring instance: Daily BODY COUNTS from the press.
I read a news article today that was posted by the Associated Press.
Although it ran 19 paragraphs long, it was rather short. By that, I mean each "paragraph" was but perhaps a sentence or two.
However, 10 of these paragraphs referred to body counts, numbers of victims, ages of victims, genders of victims, numbers of which faction were killed, and so on.
More than 50% of the content told us nothing more than what the headline had already said, with the exception of telling and re-telling HOW MANY WERE KILLED.
I have a rudimentary understanding of journalism's role in society.
That role deals with disseminating facts and information.
But where has the balance gone? What happened to merely reporting events as they unfold?
Surely, there must be something happening in the U.S. War On Terror to give encouragement and hope.
Yes, we need to learn what is going badly.
But don't we also deserve to hear what is going well?
The truth should not end up in the Editor's waste basket because of political bias.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Voter Fraud

What is it about voter identification that makes Sociocrats (liberals) tremble in their boots?
Why do the people of the United States of America have NO way of verifying that only real, live (as in living...) citizens are voting in our elections? More importantly, verifying that they only vote ONCE at only one polling place?
Organizations like Move On and Push command tremendous support from the Sociocrats. These organizations also refuse to cooperate with any attempts to correctly identify voters that they bring to the polls.
Yet when confronted with allegations of voter fraud, the liberals cry, "Racism!" They indignantly huff, "This is nothing more than a poll tax intended to keep the poor and minorities from voting."
Well then, why not have a FREE state ID card for every citizen who does not have a drivers license? Or at least an incredibly inexpensive card?
Surely, there cannot be that many Americans left who do not drive these days.
For little expense, we can help ensure that our polls are clean.
This issue, along with term limits and border security, should be in the upper tiers of reasons that voters contact their political leaders.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

A Rose By Any Other Name

"A rose by any other name," is a line of poetry familiar to so many of us.
But when does a rose no longer remain a rose?

I, for one, have long wondered. I am curious about modern Democrats.
WHEN are they going to just DO IT?
WHEN are they going to stop all the nonsense?
WHEN will they stop pretending to represent the working person?
WHEN will they simply admit WHAT they truly have become?
WHEN will they drop their misleading label, altogether, from the ballot choices?

My friends, I refer to the moniker "Democrats."

WHEN will they come out of the closet and BE TRUTHFUL about what THEY REALLY ARE:
SOCIALISTS? Communists?
Come on now: you cannot be in favor of income redistribution, open borders, taxes only for the "rich," expanded rights to more and more 'minority' groups, government control of all aspects of life, and other such lunacies WITHOUT being a Socialist.
IF America TRULY wants Socialism, by popular vote, then I personally think Americans are stupid.
But let me continue by saying; I do NOT think Americans are stupid.

Let's put Democratic feet to the fire.
Let's demand that they come out in public for what they really are; Socialists. Or Communists. Either way, it's an awakening for America.
That way, the ballot choices will be slimmed down come election time.
Maybe even the liberals in Florida will recognize which is which between candidates.
Hanging Chad aside.............

Obituary: Mr. Common Sense

Mr. Common Sense

My parents introduced me to Mr. Common Sense early in life and told me I would do well to call upon him when making decisions. It seems he was around for my early years, but less and less as time passed by, until today I read his obituary.
PLEASE join me in a moment of silence in remembrance. For Common Sense had served us all so well for so many generations.
Obituary:Today we mourn the passing of a beloved friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for so many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.
He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm, life isn't always fair, and maybe it was my fault.
Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not children, are in charge.)
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place.
Reports of a six- year- old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Mr. Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job they themselves failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer aspirin, sun tan lotion,or a band aid to a student, but could NOT inform parents when a student was pregnant and wanted an abortion.
Mr. C. Sense took another beating when the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses, criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense lost the will to to live when you could not defend yourself or your family from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue YOU for assault.
Common Sense finally gave up the will to live after a woman failed to realize that a cup of coffee was scalding hot. She spilled a little in her lap and was promptly awarded a HUGE settlement.
Mr. Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents,Truth and Trust; his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason.
He is, however, survived by three stepbrothers; I Know My Rights, Someone Else Is To Blame, and I'm A Victim.
Not many souls attended his funeral because so few realized HE WAS GONE.
If you still remember him, pass this on.
If not, just join the majority and DO NOTHING.

-author unknown

Friday, August 10, 2007

Dangerous Ground For Long- Time Conservatives

There are some extremely serious issues facing many long- time conservatives.
Of course there are still the historical differences between liberals and conservatives. But politics can no longer be treated with a "business as usual" attitude in Minnesota and the rest of America.
Liberals have become more mean- spirited. More vicious in their attacks. Nothing is off limits to them, it seems, in order to take control.
Consider politics of years gone by. For example, the Presidential election of 1964.
Johnson versus Goldwater.
Yes, yes, Johnson won huge. We know this.
But this race is widely regarded as among the first elections decided primarily by ideology.
Goldwater and Johnson had different ideological approaches to doing what they felt was best for America. Each man thought their approach the correct one.
In the past, I believe, ideology defined the path you took to the same location.
But one thing held true: both truly wanted, in their own way, what was best for America.
Not so today.
Today we still have differing ideological approaches, but with a sinister twist.
One side, the conservatives, still wish to do what is best for America. They wish to preserve the values that made this country and have kept it what it is; the envy of the entire world.
The liberal side, however, not only does NOT wish to preserve American values, it wishes to transform America into something other than America. Something none of us even recognize.
A Socialist State.
Am I exaggerating? How about the redistribution of wealth? (Let's tax the rich to cover the bottom half.) How about government control of everything? (Public welfare, medical coverage, our children's education, property rights.) How about watering down our traditions? (Diversity, failure to control borders, expansion of "minority" status, attacks on the stock market as a tool only for the "rich.")
This is Marxism 101, ladies and gentlemen.
Yet today I continue to see conservatives seemingly unaware of this.
Conservatives are still polite, largely, with a desire to play fair. Play by the rules. Avoid the cheap shot.
Why, just yesterday, I heard Bill O'Reilly take a call from a listener who stated he felt Hillary Clinton was the biggest liar in politics. Mr. O'Reilly responded, "Well, she has an issue with honesty. But she probably has lied only a little bit more than any average politician."
This may be a true enough statement, but Bill was awfully gracious to a person who has been caught in a dizzying array of lies and untruths, all the while attacking others, notably George Bush, as liars.
Fellow conservatives, please continue to be polite. Do not stoop to the levels of liberal politics.
But please do not become so casual with American politics to think that liberals will also play fair and/or act honorably.
Keep your chin up, yes. But keep your guard up as well.
The liberals wishing to change America are aware of what is at stake.
Let's us keep aware of the same.

How Should Minnesota Transportation Money Be Used?

It should be divided among our current infrastructure needs: roads, bridges, tunnels, etc.
How it is divided was seen to last session by the DFL (yes, the same DFL that is decrying Pawlenty's 2007 gas tax bill veto as the reason for the 35 bridge collapse!)
Last year, as you recall, the DFL pushed through a BOGUS amendment to the State Constitution in the now-infamous "Vote Yes" campaign.
In this campaign, voters were HOOD- WINKED into voting, by way of suspicious verbiage, for a split of transportation money where "at least" 60% of the infrastructure (hint, hint: roads and bridges...) money was to go to alternative transportation.

Yup. Light Rail. The Trains To No Where.

Now, those same Socialists-in- poor-disguises are calling for MORE taxes to go for "bridges," etc. all the while wringing their hands that we have "ignored" our roads and bridges.
What nerve! What gall! What a diabolical plan to derail the democracy in this State once and for all!
And for God's sake, Governor (and public at large), don't forget WHO orchestrated the financial division of transportation money last year!

There is far more at stake than mere money.