Thursday, December 20, 2007

Enough, Already

I saw a news headline today concerning the turmoil of the I-35 bridge collapse.

I, for one, am really sick and tired of our liberal media dragging out the same old, tired, dog- eared phrases to propagandize a story.

I refer to the reporting on the DFL- led Legislature and its non- stop quest to turn the bridge nightmare into a political issue, with a Republican in the hangman's noose.

Because the FEDERAL investigation failed to produce a suitable GOP fall- guy, the state DFL wants to pursue their OWN investigation. Such action will surely produce a witch to burn.......

So, the liberal media, with its rank and file staff of dinosaurs from the 60's, cranks up the presses and PROCLAIMS the issue as (are you ready for this?)


Good God. Do you think the media could be any more obvious?

By putting "gate" at the end of any topic, the media immediately attempts to create the notion of scandal. Of wrong- doing. Of a culprit.

Transportation money has not been available in the past budgets mainly because DFL focused its efforts on finding new and unique ways to waste our tax dollars, instead of paying the infrastructure bills when due. Now it's a game of finger pointing, and the media lap dog is doing all that it can to continue the game.
Enough, already.

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