Thursday, December 20, 2007

An Example of Waste In Minnesota

I recently enjoyed two trips to South Dakota to go pheasant hunting.
I was traveling with a friend of mine who happens to be a retired Minnesota Department of Transportation bridge crew worker.
His job, as the title suggests, was to go out on assessment visits, and then complete repairs as needed to bridges. (And, no, he was not assigned to the district where the I- 35 bridge collapsed.)

As he and I drove along the South Dakota interstate, he suddenly asked me, "What do you notice about these bridges?"
I had to reply like any other layman; "Nothing in particular."

He went on to point out that every bridge was identical in structure to the others.
So what? you might ask.
He continued by adding that by making these bridges structurally identical, they were able to mass produce components economically, thus saving a lot of South Dakota tax dollars.
Great, I thought.
But what really got my attention was when he told me that, in Minnesota, each and every bridge is a separate, uniquely- designed piece of work.
Each one has to have an engineering firm design it and sign off on it's integrity, and so on.
As you can imagine, this customization quickly adds up on the bottom line.
It struck me as yet another example of how Minnesota's Legislature has gotten very good at over- spending, and very bad at fiscal responsibility.
You will NOT find the DFL-led legislature bragging about this one.
Demand more of your Legislature. Vote for a return to a Conservative Minnesota next time around!

Certain Truths Certainly Become "Inconvenient"

President Bush held a press conference today to discuss the late- in- the- year budget bill from Congress that he signed.
Several important details were mentioned, but two of them really stood out as signs of what people in Congress really think. Including liberals.

First, and most obvious, was the continued funding for the U.S. War On Terror.
In spite of all the posturing and incredible waste of time liberals spent chest thumping, insisting NO budget would pass without an arbitrary withdrawal deadline, it passed easily, and the fight against terror goes on.
Because it is the best thing to do. Because it HAS to be done. All gum- flapping aside.

The other topic was the new energy bill that passed.
It calls for, among other things, more alternative fuels research, higher economy standards for the auto industry, and vastly more bio fuels available for use by the year 2020.
This is fine. Rather conservative in its approach.
What it quietly does not speak to and cater to is all of the ballyhoo and hype over Al Gore's green house gas and carbon footprint crapola.
Because the extremism of the liberal alternatives offered as solutions are not effective, meaningful, or popular.

These two issues clearly point out that all the liberal grandstanding, all the socialist rhetoric is all about one thing, and one thing only:
Control of peoples' actions, and therefore, control of peoples' lives.
The war and the environment are simply being used as liberal propaganda tools to divide the country. If the liberals succeed in manufacturing a sense of chaos and doom, they have a greater chance of seizing ultimate control in America.
IF liberals in Congress really believed in the socialistic nonsense they claim to promote in public, it would be displayed in their VOTING.
It is not. At least on the issues of great importance like security and energy.
Even the liberals know and demonstrate, by way of their votes, that the primary purpose of all their 'anti' message is not to build anything positive. It is merely to unsettle what exists today, amid their hope to come out on top when the dust that they have created finally settles.
Liberal Congress would not have allowed an energy bill, sans a stronger global warming element, to pass IF THEY BELIEVED IN IT as deeply as they claim.
Liberal Congress would not have funded the war on terror, without a troop withdrawal clause, to pass IF THEY BELIEVED it to be the solution as they claim.

This does NOT mean socialism is not a threat to our country. It is indeed. Liberals still want to have a Big Brother government to tell its citizens what's best for them.

What it clearly demonstrates is that liberal politicians put the control over citizens above the greater good of the nation.
They are willing to risk YOUR future to gain complete political control in America.
This is politics at its very worst. Shame on them.

Enough, Already

I saw a news headline today concerning the turmoil of the I-35 bridge collapse.

I, for one, am really sick and tired of our liberal media dragging out the same old, tired, dog- eared phrases to propagandize a story.

I refer to the reporting on the DFL- led Legislature and its non- stop quest to turn the bridge nightmare into a political issue, with a Republican in the hangman's noose.

Because the FEDERAL investigation failed to produce a suitable GOP fall- guy, the state DFL wants to pursue their OWN investigation. Such action will surely produce a witch to burn.......

So, the liberal media, with its rank and file staff of dinosaurs from the 60's, cranks up the presses and PROCLAIMS the issue as (are you ready for this?)


Good God. Do you think the media could be any more obvious?

By putting "gate" at the end of any topic, the media immediately attempts to create the notion of scandal. Of wrong- doing. Of a culprit.

Transportation money has not been available in the past budgets mainly because DFL focused its efforts on finding new and unique ways to waste our tax dollars, instead of paying the infrastructure bills when due. Now it's a game of finger pointing, and the media lap dog is doing all that it can to continue the game.
Enough, already.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Term limits
US out of the UN
UN out of the US

Liberal Lip Service? part 2

In a post made yesterday, 12-12-07, I referenced an apparent turn- about in official government sentiment towards religion and Christmas.

"Sorry, but you are hearing this from a skeptic. One who has seen socialists scrambling to cling to their footholds before. Socialists trying to placate the masses with some 'positive strokes' from their puppets."

My point about lip service is that politicians, particularly liberal politicians, have a funny way of pretending to agree with you right before an election. They tend to say what people want to hear. They make token gestures to pacify the public. To distract them, so to speak.

The current salve is religion and the Christmas season.
(THIS should keep them quiet!)

Skeptic? You bet I am.
In the recent past, the balm-of-the-day has been
- gun control/ Second Amendment issues: (John Kerry "crawling on his belly with his trusty shotgun, looking for deer?")
- support for the war on terror: (who could be the most forceful on the issue?)
- immigration reform: (which of them could run in place fastest without ever getting anything done?)

I just say this as a reminder. Don't be so quick to think liberals have suddenly gone melancholy. Their socialist agenda remains firmly in place.

Go Figure

DFL Secretary of State Mark Ritchie, it appears, will not be investigated by the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board.
Ritchie had used his official government website to solicit campaign contributions, and sent them to a few Republicans by mistake(?)
That is a no- no, banned by state and federal law.
It was reported in rather terse form that "none of the allegations would violate state campaign laws, so the board doesn't have jurisdiction to investigate." End of story.

Something tells me that if a Republican held the office and did the same thing, the coverage and the public outcry (by the media) would have been different.
Why, I'd bet that if Ritchie was from the GOP, and his part-time secretary's roommate's boyfriend's best buddy got a DUI, it would be THOROUGHLY investigated in the mass media.
Can you spell B- I- A- S ?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hi'ya, Mike!

This just in


This blogger is very pleased to see the recent surge in the strength of the Mike Huckabee campaign.
I was hoping Mike would enter the fray more than 3 years ago, based on his public position and comments on welfare reform, the Second Amendment, immigration reform, and personal responsibilities.

And as always, remember

Term Limits
US out of the UN
UN out of the US


"Thank You, and Merry Chistmas!" to Our Soldiers

Please, friends, take a moment to say a personal "thank you" to our soldiers, Marines, and sailors serving overseas this Christmas season.
You can do it in a simple personal prayer.

Or here's another idea:
Send a note or a Christmas greeting card to one of our wounded and recovering young men or women in service.
You can send them to the following address:

We Support You During Your Recovery!
c/o American Red Cross
P.O. Box 419
Savage, MD 20763-0419

Be sure to affix adequate postage. Cards must be received no later than December 27. Cards received after this date will be returned to the sender.

Remember who, and what, they are fighting for:
All of us, and our way of life.


Liberal Lip Service?

I hear lately that different levels of governments around the nation are quickly passing resolutions to officially recognize the value and existence of Christianity and the positive nature of Christmas in America.

Well, well well.

Let me take just a moment to stop whistling and applauding....... you fumbling, waffling, self- serving professional office holders.

Am I supposed to feel good about this? At least feel good YET?
Let me remind you, representative, senator, congressman, mayor, governor, president:


Sorry, but you are hearing this from a skeptic. One who has seen socialists scrambling to cling to their footholds before. Socialists trying to placate the masses with some 'positive strokes' from their puppets.

Is this a trend? I don't know. Yet.
Let's welcome this departure from the ridiculous political correctness that has plagued our country for too long. From the profoundly idiotic attempt to "separate" church and state by destroying all vestiges of religion.
But let's watch the future actions of our elected leaders. Let's see whether or not they keep rejecting the nonsense of the secular progressives.
Let's see what happens from now until the 2008 elections.

And most importantly, what happens AFTER the 2008 elections.
THAT will cast them all in the true light.

As always, please remember:
Term limits
US out of the UN
UN out of the US


It's About Time!

Hello again. Been away for a while, but back in the saddle. Here goes:

I listened with great interest to folks like Bill O'Reilly and Joe "Garage Logic" Souchery recently.
As well as entertaining, it was, I must admit, absolutely DELIGHTFUL to hear both of them express some outrage and, well, rage, Period.
Both seem to have reached the limits of their composure over subjects dealing with the ridiculous "political correctness" of the new, liberal viewpoint on religion in general, and Christmas in particular. And about the absurdity of people like Albert Gore receiving the Nobel PEACE prize for for merely flapping his gums.
Well, about that I can say two things:

1.) IT'S ABOUT #$@*&&*$#@!! TIME!