Saturday, October 20, 2007

VOTE "No" November 6th, and WHY

IF you are not convinced by now that:

The teachers UNION runs our education system,

The Minnesota Teachers Union is the most powerful, well-staffed (58 lobbyists, compared to 4 for the Mayo Clinic) lobby in the state,

The money rarely or NEVER reaches our children in the classrooms,

More and more money will NOT solve the problem of under- or- uneducated kids,

And IF you are tired of the never-ending demand for more and more money, with fewer and fewer positive results,

I plead with you to give FULL attention to the Brainerd Independent School District 181 appeal for a FIVE- FOLD increase in the revenue per student.
Yes, that's right. I said FIVE times the increase over today's budget- per- student.
It is time for you to ask yourself (and more importantly, the Brainerd School Board) just WHAT EXACTLY our children are getting out of this.
Sure, sure. I know. "Kids First."

Great. I agree.

But WHAT are the kids getting for YOUR tax dollars?
New programs, all aimed at
LOWERING the level of education, fewer teachers per student,
more time spent on non-English subjects,
and MORE DOLLARS spent into the coffers of the teachers' union and their lobbyists,
and into the bank books of more and more over-paid anarchists that run our schools.


WHEN did any taxpayer, from Minnesota or any other state, see a FIVE- FOLD increase in the educational advancement of their children?
RESIST political nonsense hiding behind the guise of "our children."
Ask more of your school board.
Better yet,
VOTE THEM OUT at the earliest convenience.
And for the children's' sake, VOTE NO on November 6th, 2007.

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