Saturday, August 9, 2008

Conservatives: COME OUT OF HIDING!

Where have you been, conservatives? Enjoying the lakes, the warm weather, the sun?
GREAT! Good for you! This IS the time of year we all live for and dream about.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but THERE IS AN ELECTION COMING.

Yes, yes, I know; the State Fair hasn't even started yet. But by golly, you can bet your asses that the Democrats have not been sitting on their bums sun- tanning!

It is TIME to start thinking about the future of America. The one we all take for granted when we sit in lawn chairs with a cold one, enjoying the weather and our company and families.
Victory in November has HUGE ramifications this year; this is possibly the most important election year in United States history.
There is so MUCH at stake. Not just who is the controlling party, but the ideology of our national history, culture, and heritage rests with this election.
Come on, conservatives. What the hell are you waiting for? GET MOVING! GET INVOLVED! GET YOUR CHECKBOOKS OUT!
Are you waiting for the day when we can get together and reminisce about freedom????

Time To Call A Spade A spade...

John Ward, State Representative for District 12A, has been lining his pockets --- ALONG WITH THE REST OF THE MINNESOTA HOUSE- with more of OUR tax dollars.
Seems Johnny and his buds at the capitol decided they needed raises.
They gave themselves raises in per Diem (money per day) from $66 to $76 dollars per day.
OK. Fine. I have no beef with per Diem's.
But Johnny and his pals decided that they shouldn't have to show any PROOF
for what they claim they spent (ie., receipts, or vouchers.)
No big deal, except that if you and I want to claim something as a deduction for an expense, we need every shred of evidence as proof, up to and including a blood test to prove we spent it.
Why are John Ward and his DFLiberal pals allowed to skate, taking our tax dollars without proof of pain or misery on their part?

OK. that's bad enough on its own.

But John Ward and the DFL legislature ALSO voted to give themselves a year- around housing subsidy of $1200 per month- - - EVEN WHEN THE LEGISLATURE IS NOT IN SESSION!
Can you imagine that? When John wants to take his best gal to a Minneapolis play in November, YOU get to PAY for his apartment! Who CARES that the legislature is NOT IN SESSION?
These clowns are raking in $31,000 for a PART- TIME JOB of 4 months or less, PLUS $14400 for their housing!!
Plus $77 per day spending allowances without having to show receipts!
This truly IS Minnesota Welfare, but not the kind you and I ever imagined or anticipated.
Tell ALL your representatives NOW that you will NOT STAND FOR THIS WASTE OF OUR TAX DOLLARS!

John Edwards....

My my, John. It's so amazing that you, as a liberal mouthpiece for morality, have been caught with your pants down, so to speak....

You say, "My wife and my Lord have forgiven me, so I will move on."

You forgot about US, John. WE haven't forgiven you, and you will NOT just "move on," despite your fervent wishes.
Another liberal phony, two- faced liar exposed.
Here's the FUNNY part: John claims that during the last two elections, he has become self- centered and narcissistic......
The Breck Boy has ALWAYS thought he is another 'God's gift' to mankind.... just like the other Messiah threatening our freedoms.