Monday, May 19, 2008

Brainerd Disgrace

I read, again, this Sunday in the Brainerd Disgrace, er, I mean, the Dispatch about the terrible woes of the schools here in town. Closings and the like.

Because the Referendum Failed.

The referendum failed???
Don't you mean the School Board failed to correctly use their finances? That they spent money that did not have?
That they failed to comprehend that the average citizens cannot live beyond the teacher's union's means?

Get over it.
The public voted and the School Board was exposed as the money- grubbing institution it has become.


My ass, it's for the children.

Election Reminder

As the Minnesota Legislature closes their session, PLEASE remember a few things:

1. Thanks to the DFL -led legislature, we have been saddled with the largest tax increase in Minnesota history.
2. We went from a $400+ million dollar surplus to a deficit approaching a billion dollars. (yes, a billion.)
3. Time has been wasted by the DFL on bills which do NOTHING to improve ANYTHING, but limit your abilities to make decisions; nothing more than a series of shows of CONTROL over you lives. THE MORE YOU GET USED TO SMALL, KNIT- PICKY THINGS, they feel, THE EASIER IT WILL BE FOR YOU TO ACCEPT TOTAL DOMINATION OVER YOUR LIVES.
4. We are paying all- time high fuel prices, and now compounded with a new state gas tax increase. Why? Because the DFL got caught with their collective pants down. For 30 years THEY have neglected roads and bridges in favor of meaningless and costly social engineering programs, benefiting few, costing all.
5. LIGHT RAIL will never benefit Brainerd in your childrens' lifetime.
6.Remember who has cost you what, and what little you have to show for it other than fewer freedoms.

Vote them out just as quickly and surely as you can.

Seaparation Of Mosque and State

Back from an extended vacation and other commitments, but here goes:

If the current situation with the Muslim school in Inver Grove Heights isn't a wake- up call to all of America, I don't know what is.
This school is run by Islamic fundamentalists.
Fine, OK.
But they are using PUBLIC EDUCATION (with matching public funds) to teach Islamic law, including mandatory prayer time for students. ON the campus. IN the school.

Where the hell is the *&%$&**! ALCU NOW?

Why is there no public outcry from those legal haters- of- America, who decry the very MENTION on God in public U.S. schools?
Nowhere to be seen.
If this does not clearly paint the agenda of the socialist left, nothing does.
I urge you to DEMAND of your representatives and senators to STOP this flagrant violation of Minnesota law.
Remember the words of Teddy Roosevelt, who said we welcome anyone to America as equal Americans. But ONLY if they abandon their old countries and EMBRACE America as their one and ONLY new home, with ALL of their loyalties to America.