Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Thank You, Representative Bachmann

Michele Bachmann made it clear where the problem lies with the US House of Representatives not voting on the Intelligence bill, which allows the government to monitor terrorist phone calls in real time. She has challenged Nancy Pelosi publicly to explain why the measure has not hit the House floor.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, displaying an appalling abuse of power, decided that the measure simply would not get to the House floor. Period.
If it cannot even be voted on, it couldn't possibly pass.
Pelosi has done this in spite of the fact that even her fellow liberals have supported the bill as essential to America's security.
She decided it wasn't.
What gall! What a disgrace!
Better yet,
What can we do to remove Pelosi, this enemy of the state, from office? She is personally acting in a way that places American security in grave danger.
Aren't there laws against treason? Seditious Acts? Something that can be done to stop these kinds of traitorous acts?
I urge each and every one of you to contact your U.S. Representative, ( and ask them to demand an appearance on the House floor to vote on this bill. Pelosi may be the Speaker, but she cannot be allowed to act as dictator to all of our Representatives.
We must act, America, before it is too late.

Great Editorial

Please go to this link for an excellent editorial that appeared today in the Bemidji Pioneer. It really spells out the actions of the DFL- controlled Minnesota Legislature very clearly.§ion=Opinion&freebie_check&CFID=17246576&CFTOKEN=82060976&jsessionid=883056f9cab645363968

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Be Careful What You Ask For............

Endlessly, we hear ObAma chant that it's time for CHANGE in America.
Well, since 2006, things have changed, but not the way we'd like them to.
For instance, consider this:

A little over one year ago:

1) Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high;
2) Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;
3) the unemployment rate was 4.5%.
4) Democrats assumed the majority in both houses of congress ( the 2006 newly- elected officials sworn in 1/2007)

With the Democratic Congress we have seen:

1) Consumer confidence plummet;
2) the cost of regular gasoline is over $3.08 a gallon;
3) Unemployment is up to 5% (a 10% increase);
4) American households have seen $2.3 trillion in equity value evaporate
(stock and mutual fund losses);
5) Americans have seen their home equity drop by $1.2 trillion dollars;
6) 1% of American homes are in foreclosure.

America voted for "change" in 2006 (per Pelosi and Reid), and we got it!
How much more "CHANGE" (now, per Obama) can we stand? How much more of this type of change do we want?
At the local level, people like John Ward and his socialist cronies have decided that you still have too much control over your money. He has, in the last few weeks, seen to it that a larger portion of your money and your decision- making ability has been stolen from you.
The liberal agenda for change is the kind we need to firmly, uniformly, and absolutely reject.
Now, in November 2008, and forever.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dems Lose Further Credibility- (if that's possible)

The dems want a couple of do- overs, it seems, in Florida and Michigan.
The DNC earlier this year said that both states would be punished if they insisted on moving up the dates that they held their primaries.
Well, both states did it anyway. The punishment was supposed to be the loss of their delegates to the National Dem convention.
Geee whizzz- guess what?? The DNC now wants to SEAT those delegates, somehow, someway.
Talk about a paper lion! Really good teeth, DNC.
Of course, Hillary is all for the idea now, even though she agreed earlier that those states should lose their delegations.

What a phony bunch of two- faced hypocrites.

Same- same, every one of them, from John Ward to Margaret Kelliher to Amy Klobuchar to Nancy Pelosi to Hillary and barack.

Does that sound mean?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

AG Office and Unions

I see headlines and stories detailing the mess at the Minnesota Attorney General office.
Apparently the Assistant Attorneys General want to unionize the office. All previous Attorneys General have resisted the urge to unionize, including, to her credit, Lori Swanson, the current DFL A.G.
The largest union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, or AFSCME, has been trying for quite a while to organize the Assistant A.G. group.

Great. Just what we need.

Another union pulling the strings of political motivations for state attorneys.

As if lawsuits by the State of Minnesota didn't already have enough political motivation behind them!

At the heart of any union you will find a hotbed of socialism. Unions routinely and completely preach a message of socialism to their members under the guise of "collective bargaining" and "social progress."
You think that message doesn't trickle down into their members' politics?
Unions have become obsolete in modern times. They have outlived their usefulness. They have become nothing more than vehicles of socialism.
The teachers union and AFSCME included.

For those of you who feel offended by my remarks, just look at what UNIONS have done to our educational system in Minnesota. Just look at what they have done to lower the competency level of teachers. To lower the quality of what and how our children are taught.

Keep the unions OUT of the Attorney General office.

Oberstar Gets a New Hip

Jim Oberstar recently had surgery for hip replacement.

I suspect his old one failed under the weight of all the graft and pork he had been carrying in his pocket after so many years as a liberal Congressman.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The Math About DFL Tax Increases

This is a piece written by a friend of mine from Crosslake, MN.
Used with permission.

Based on what I can find and read on the Internet, and based on my math, we find the following:
The BIPARTISAN efforts and hard work of the United States congress, after studying and analyzing the current economic situation, decided to send approx. $150,000,000,000 (150 billion dollars) to U.S. taxpayers. The bill was approved by president George Bush. IRS estimates show that 130,000,000 (130 million) taxpayers will receive a check from the IRS. (130 million families/individuals paying taxes as compared to a US population of 302 million people, or 43% of the US population constitutes a taxpayer/family.)
This means that each taxpayer/family will receive, an average of $1154 as a rebate from the IRS to stimulate the economy.

At almost the same time, the partisan, DFL controlled legislature of Minnesota, after studying and analyzing the current economic situation in Minnesota, passed a "transportation bill" that increased taxes by $6,600,000,000 (6.6 billion dollars.)
Governor Pawlenty vetoed it, but the democrats and six moronic Republicans made it law by over-riding the veto.
This increase comes from a combination of increased gasoline taxes, a sales tax increase and an increase in vehicle registration fees and excise tax on new vehicles.
Since the population of Minnesota is 5.5 million, and using the 43% figure to calculate how many tax payers/families there are in Minnesota, we find that 2.36 million taxpayers/families will be saddled with this new burden.
That works out to $2796 per MINNESOTA taxpayer/family.

So we owe the democrats and the 6 turncoat Republicans that voted to overturn Pawlenty’s veto, a huge thank you (?)
Not only did they nullify the federal government's effort to stimulate the economy by "stealing" the rebate from all Minnesota families, they exceeded even this by forcing and expecting all of us to pony up an extra $1642 each, on top of it.
So much for improving the economy in this state.

How is it possible that the Democrats and turncoat Republicans in the Minnesota state legislature can even consider, let alone pass, a bill like this, especially after the governor's veto?
Are they better informed, or do they have better judgement than the BIPARTISAN wisdom of the Congress of the United States?
Do they think we live in a different country and economy?
What country do they live in?

All Minnesota tax payers, please remember this in November.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

This Just In

Sounds from the Crow Wing County Republican Convention indicate that there will be another GOP challenger to DFLiberal incumbent John Ward for our State Representative.

You see, Mr. Ward, among other blunders, had the "courage" (?) to give us a tax increase- the largest in state history- during one of the worst economic situations we Minnesotans have faced for some time. It's time to show Mr. Ward just how we feel about his "gifts" to us.

Pretty hush- hush on the GOP candidate's name, but watch for more news later this month.

Time to take back Minnesota. Time to take back America.

Stay tuned...........