Please see blog post from December 13, 2007.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thanks for Nothing
Holy cow! I have just learned, via the Brainerd Disgrace, that we should be thanking our DFL legislators (along with the Republican rogues who voted with them) for their courage in passing the Gas Tax!
Pardon me if I don't dash out to buy "thank you" cards.
Let me see:
Thank you for making it more difficult each day to keep up with the cost of living the Minnesota Good Life?
Thank you for completely ignoring ANY other solution to the problem?
Thank you for wasting the money on social projects that was supposed to have gone to infrastructure maintenance all along?
Thank you for pouring billions into light rail which we now have to bailout, and for building more light rail, to be bailed out at a later date, with more tax increases?
Thank you for spending more instead of trimming somewhere else in the budget?
Thank you for making us among the highest taxed states in the nation?
If you love social re-engineering, then thank them. If you like someone telling you what you can and cannot do with your personal life, thank them. If you think a few thousand riding light rail will in ANY way improve your life, thank them.
You know, I just don't think I will send any thank you notes to these people.
I only hope that when you are driving to the polls in November on roads that are still bumpy and pot hole- filled, and still crossing unsafe bridges, you will REMEMBER just who tricked you into thinking they were going to do anything about the problem.
And just who has been squandering your money and your trust so dangerously for so long.
Tell the liberals "THANKS FOR NOTHING."
Pardon me if I don't dash out to buy "thank you" cards.
Let me see:
Thank you for making it more difficult each day to keep up with the cost of living the Minnesota Good Life?
Thank you for completely ignoring ANY other solution to the problem?
Thank you for wasting the money on social projects that was supposed to have gone to infrastructure maintenance all along?
Thank you for pouring billions into light rail which we now have to bailout, and for building more light rail, to be bailed out at a later date, with more tax increases?
Thank you for spending more instead of trimming somewhere else in the budget?
Thank you for making us among the highest taxed states in the nation?
If you love social re-engineering, then thank them. If you like someone telling you what you can and cannot do with your personal life, thank them. If you think a few thousand riding light rail will in ANY way improve your life, thank them.
You know, I just don't think I will send any thank you notes to these people.
I only hope that when you are driving to the polls in November on roads that are still bumpy and pot hole- filled, and still crossing unsafe bridges, you will REMEMBER just who tricked you into thinking they were going to do anything about the problem.
And just who has been squandering your money and your trust so dangerously for so long.
Tell the liberals "THANKS FOR NOTHING."
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
You mean Obama says he will consider keeping troops in or sending more troops to Iraq IF al-Qaida appears in Iraq???
Are we to believe that al Qaida isn't already in Iraq??
Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a lying, deceptive fool.
He (and Hillary as well) refuse to make their stances a matter of public record. One day, we need to fight the war on terror, the next day we don't. One day we have an enemy, the next we should wait until an enemy is identified. Bullshit.
This man is a socialist. A communist.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.
Grow up and recognize that we, as Americans, are under attack.
From within.
Are we to believe that al Qaida isn't already in Iraq??
Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a lying, deceptive fool.
He (and Hillary as well) refuse to make their stances a matter of public record. One day, we need to fight the war on terror, the next day we don't. One day we have an enemy, the next we should wait until an enemy is identified. Bullshit.
This man is a socialist. A communist.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.
Grow up and recognize that we, as Americans, are under attack.
From within.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Fallout? Let's Hope So
The news is abuzz today with reports of the override of Governor Pawlenty's veto on the Transportation bill. The GAS TAX.
Six GOP legislators turned their backs on state conservatives by voting to override.
So will there be "fallout" as the news outlets claim?
I certainly hope so!
But not just like the fallout claimed by the Minneapolis Trib, where rogue GOPers would lose party jobs, lose support from within.
I am talking about the Representative Marty Seifert kind of fallout. House Minority Leader Seifert points out that when the CITIZENS finally see and feel the financial impact of this bill, they will revolt and reject the liberal tax and spend legislature of today. They will send in a conservative replacement team in the November elections.
Let's hope so.
Let's hope all voters (conservative and Democrat) finally see liberals for what they are and the damage they have done.
Six GOP legislators turned their backs on state conservatives by voting to override.
So will there be "fallout" as the news outlets claim?
I certainly hope so!
But not just like the fallout claimed by the Minneapolis Trib, where rogue GOPers would lose party jobs, lose support from within.
I am talking about the Representative Marty Seifert kind of fallout. House Minority Leader Seifert points out that when the CITIZENS finally see and feel the financial impact of this bill, they will revolt and reject the liberal tax and spend legislature of today. They will send in a conservative replacement team in the November elections.
Let's hope so.
Let's hope all voters (conservative and Democrat) finally see liberals for what they are and the damage they have done.
Monday, February 25, 2008
No Room For Racism- No Sympathy For Segregationists
Barack Obama's church affiliation has been under public scrutiny the past few days.
A Christian church, he proudly proclaims.
Great. People should have a faith to ground them in their thinking, to guide their morals, and foster their ideals.
Except in this case, his church only admits blacks to become members of the congregation.
You see, it is a black church. It supports and promotes, he claims, black values, black society, and black progress.
This sounds unbelievable. I cannot even imagine the furor that would erupt if any white candidate (for any office) announced that they were Christian, but attended a church closed to blacks.
But I must also admit that I am baffled at how exclusionary groups like the Black NCO clubs can exist in the armed forces. How the Black Police Officers Association can be allowable. Or the Congressional Black Caucus (please see my post from August 28, 2007.) The list of other examples goes on and on.
Racism has and IS being used as a political tool. Oddly enough, it is being held out an an example of the evil the liberals are trying to defeat.
So how come this liberal (Obama) is safe even though he engages in exclusionary practices?
Before you get excited, this is not about being Baptist. Or Methodist. Or Catholic.
This is about why it is OK for one group to be segregationists, but not another.
I for one am sick and tired of double standards.
For instance, if the "N" word is so despicable and deplorable, then why is it not universally condemned in both black and white society? Yet we all know who can and who cannot get away with using the "N" word.
If discrimination is also so deplorable and condemned, then why do we allow IT to go on anywhere?
Certain groups of people want to have their cake and eat it too: they want equality. They want fairness. They want the same things as everyone else.
But at the same time they want special considerations. Special rules. Special treatment.
That is NOT equality. That is NOT fairness.
This system is a disgrace and we all know it. I am done with Political Correctness.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.
This is clearly wrong.
Obama should condemn the 'blacks only' policy of his church.
Don't count on him doing so.
A Christian church, he proudly proclaims.
Great. People should have a faith to ground them in their thinking, to guide their morals, and foster their ideals.
Except in this case, his church only admits blacks to become members of the congregation.
You see, it is a black church. It supports and promotes, he claims, black values, black society, and black progress.
This sounds unbelievable. I cannot even imagine the furor that would erupt if any white candidate (for any office) announced that they were Christian, but attended a church closed to blacks.
But I must also admit that I am baffled at how exclusionary groups like the Black NCO clubs can exist in the armed forces. How the Black Police Officers Association can be allowable. Or the Congressional Black Caucus (please see my post from August 28, 2007.) The list of other examples goes on and on.
Racism has and IS being used as a political tool. Oddly enough, it is being held out an an example of the evil the liberals are trying to defeat.
So how come this liberal (Obama) is safe even though he engages in exclusionary practices?
Before you get excited, this is not about being Baptist. Or Methodist. Or Catholic.
This is about why it is OK for one group to be segregationists, but not another.
I for one am sick and tired of double standards.
For instance, if the "N" word is so despicable and deplorable, then why is it not universally condemned in both black and white society? Yet we all know who can and who cannot get away with using the "N" word.
If discrimination is also so deplorable and condemned, then why do we allow IT to go on anywhere?
Certain groups of people want to have their cake and eat it too: they want equality. They want fairness. They want the same things as everyone else.
But at the same time they want special considerations. Special rules. Special treatment.
That is NOT equality. That is NOT fairness.
This system is a disgrace and we all know it. I am done with Political Correctness.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.
This is clearly wrong.
Obama should condemn the 'blacks only' policy of his church.
Don't count on him doing so.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Do Not Be Alarmed
Don't be alarmed.
I thought I would just reassure you that there is a Republican running for the Presidency.
Yes, I admit it. You would never know that by watching the television.
But don't let them fool you, someone other than Obama or Hillary is actually running.
I thought I would just reassure you that there is a Republican running for the Presidency.
Yes, I admit it. You would never know that by watching the television.
But don't let them fool you, someone other than Obama or Hillary is actually running.
Some "Thank You's" Are In Order
A big THANK YOU to all you conservatives who came out and made the Crow Wing County Republican Fundraising event a success!
It was well attended, and guests had a chance to visit with many of our elected GOP officials. THANKS AGAIN!
And yet another THANK YOU to all of you who came out for the Caucus meetings in your areas. It was a huge turnout, and many new faces were enlisted as volunteers, election judges, and delegates to the County Convention.
Don't forget: the convention is 9:00 a.m. March 8th at the Central Lakes College.
See you there!
It was well attended, and guests had a chance to visit with many of our elected GOP officials. THANKS AGAIN!
And yet another THANK YOU to all of you who came out for the Caucus meetings in your areas. It was a huge turnout, and many new faces were enlisted as volunteers, election judges, and delegates to the County Convention.
Don't forget: the convention is 9:00 a.m. March 8th at the Central Lakes College.
See you there!
Dedicated Spending Wastefulness
The DFLers have succeeded in placing the amendment to permanently fund "conservation" on the November 2008 ballot.
I sincerely hope that voters will recognize this call for an amendment for what it is: another attempt by the DFLiberals to get in our pockets and in control of yet another aspect of our lives.
Budgetary issues, like how much we should spend on conservation, should be handled by our elected officials in real time. Depending on what financial resource options are available at the time.
Budget issues can and will be volatile. That is the reason why budgets are created (or at least, allegedly...)
So why does the DFL- controlled legislature want this amendment?
Because it will empower them to spend money on 'conservation' and the 'arts,' even if they do not need to.
Because it will require them adding more and more layers of rules, restrictions, and provisos on the public. After all, (key soothing piano music) "it's for the environment."
Minnesota has a long history of irresponsible spending. But rather than attempting to find even ONE program that could be trimmed or eliminated, our officials in St. Paul choose to look for more and more ways to generate revenue. To spent carelessly on pork and social re-engineering efforts.
A few years ago, the citizens of Minnesota were talked into having a state lottery, whose proceeds were supposed to fund conservation efforts.
THAT money mysteriously found its way into the general fund.
POOF! Never to be seen again.
Rather than fixing the problem of how that money got waylayed and preventing it from happening again, our legislature wants to now simply pull more money from your wallet to pay for it!
The DFL claims we are in danger of losing our culture and heritage. That claim, ladies and gentlemen, is truly bogus.
I firmly believe that Minnesotans are smart enough and proud enough of their heritage to not let it slip away.
Do not be swayed or fooled by innocent- sounding language and emotional tugs are your heartstrings. We can and we will fund conservation in Minnesota without a need to "over-spend by law."
The DFL's history of irresponsible spending does not have to become our legacy.
Vote "NO" in November on the Dedicated Funding Amendment.
I sincerely hope that voters will recognize this call for an amendment for what it is: another attempt by the DFLiberals to get in our pockets and in control of yet another aspect of our lives.
Budgetary issues, like how much we should spend on conservation, should be handled by our elected officials in real time. Depending on what financial resource options are available at the time.
Budget issues can and will be volatile. That is the reason why budgets are created (or at least, allegedly...)
So why does the DFL- controlled legislature want this amendment?
Because it will empower them to spend money on 'conservation' and the 'arts,' even if they do not need to.
Because it will require them adding more and more layers of rules, restrictions, and provisos on the public. After all, (key soothing piano music) "it's for the environment."
Minnesota has a long history of irresponsible spending. But rather than attempting to find even ONE program that could be trimmed or eliminated, our officials in St. Paul choose to look for more and more ways to generate revenue. To spent carelessly on pork and social re-engineering efforts.
A few years ago, the citizens of Minnesota were talked into having a state lottery, whose proceeds were supposed to fund conservation efforts.
THAT money mysteriously found its way into the general fund.
POOF! Never to be seen again.
Rather than fixing the problem of how that money got waylayed and preventing it from happening again, our legislature wants to now simply pull more money from your wallet to pay for it!
The DFL claims we are in danger of losing our culture and heritage. That claim, ladies and gentlemen, is truly bogus.
I firmly believe that Minnesotans are smart enough and proud enough of their heritage to not let it slip away.
Do not be swayed or fooled by innocent- sounding language and emotional tugs are your heartstrings. We can and we will fund conservation in Minnesota without a need to "over-spend by law."
The DFL's history of irresponsible spending does not have to become our legacy.
Vote "NO" in November on the Dedicated Funding Amendment.
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